You know it’s coming. It’s the most feared question during any job interview: Do you think I would look good in a cowboy hat? Just kidding. The real question is: […]
In last week’s post, I explained how you could dramatically increase your odds at an interview by bringing a document that shows your understanding of the challenges and opportunities that […]
As part of a close knit creative department, the copywriters and art directors were used to walking into each other’s offices to borrow awards books, the latest Adweek or some not well hidden enough stash of chocolate. Ed […]
So a financial services guru, a chief operating officer, and a lawyer walk into a bar. And a career coach asks, “What’s your elevator speech?” And they all have the […]
In a famous Seinfeld episode, Jerry and Elaine are having dinner with Kramer’s girlfriend who is a “low talker” – she speaks at such a low volume that it’s impossible […]
You know how awful it can be when you’re stuck on the phone with someone droning on like an airline attendant giving seat belt instructions? No one thinks they are […]